HR must adapt to new trends like well-being, remote work, and AI tools to ensure a positive workplace and remain competitive.
Company "Sheepishly" Admits Its Employee Handbook Was Generated With ChatGPT, Doesn't Have Anti-Harassment Policy
Using AI in HR can lead to missing critical policy sections, highlighting the need for human oversight.
Racial bias in OpenAI GPT resume rankings
AI in HR workflow can be biased towards certain demographics.
Using generative AI for recruiting and hiring poses a serious risk for automated discrimination at scale.
AI is coming for your job application long before it comes for your job
AI is being used in HR software to analyze candidates' facial movements, tone of voice, and social media profiles to determine job fit.
Despite the promises of AI in HR, there is often a lack of transparency and understanding of the science behind the analysis.
4 reasons why your organization should be using internal talent marketplaces
Organizations are turning to Internal Talent Marketplaces (ITMs) to engage and upskill their workforce, leveraging AI for skills matching and development opportunities.