The Power Of Negative Thinking | Defector

Erik Baker's book, "Make Your Own Job: How the Entrepreneurial Work Ethic Exhausted America," explores the historical evolution of the self-help industry. It highlights how various figures from management consultants to hippies have shaped the notion of the entrepreneurial work ethic. Baker critiques the cultural narratives that link self-improvement with persistent labor exploitation and examines how modern self-help literature addresses (or fails to address) the true nature of work-life struggles. The book is a call to understand and possibly alter the current labor landscape, making it a crucial resource for future change.
"Baker's book charts the political and cultural discourses that result in both the ailment of modern life and its purported cure-what Baker calls 'the entrepreneurial work ethic.'"
"It might seem as if this appetite for self-improvement and creative enlightenment is baked into America itself, reflecting a culture deeply focused on personal success and entrepreneurial endeavor."
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