The article recounts the photographer's experience capturing Aquilla Flemming's birth amidst the pandemic. Initially hesitant, the photographer felt compelled to witness and document the moment upon arrival. Through the project "Extreme Pain, Extreme Joy," the photographer explored women's childbirth experiences under pandemic restrictions, observing the emotional strength of women and the vital role of empathetic midwives. Personal insights gained from witnessing births inform a deeper understanding of motherhood's complexities following the birth of the photographer's daughter, highlighting the profound nature of this life-altering experience.
"I hadn’t met Aquilla Flemming before I photographed her giving birth. It was my day off, so I hesitated at first. But as soon as I got to the birthing centre I was glad I had come."
"The more births I attended, the more I noticed the patterns of slowness and boredom between frenzied moments of activity, as well as how unique each birth was."