My Daughter Was Exhibiting Concerning Behaviors At School. Her Teacher's Observation Was Unexpected.

"I think there's something going on with Ella," she said gently. My stomach dropped...I'd often seen her staring blankly at the lengthy math equations, unsure of what to do."
"This conversation was an unexpected gift from a caring and observant teacher. She was able to recognize behaviors that she also saw in students who'd been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)."
"Whatever 'it' was, I'd felt helpless for so long...wanting to repair the invisible problem she'd been battling in silence behind swollen, tired eyes."
"Until that moment, for the last six years, I'd felt as though it would always be this way. That my daughter would never be like me and enjoy going to school...It had taken a toll on me, too."
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