Max Richter on the Music That Made Him

Max Richter reflects on his early life experiences, revealing how facing bullying as a German child in England led him to abandon his German identity outwardly. He explains, 'It wasn't that easy being a German kid at an English school. I was bullied a lot. It was 'Sieg Heil' and all of that. So I basically ditched the whole German identity, on the outside.' This struggle helped shape his complex identity as a composer assimilating varied musical influences.
Richter describes the paradise he and partner Yulia Mahr have created in Oxfordshire, contrasting its beauty and communal spirit with the demands of the artistic process. He notes, 'It feels less like a workplace than a luxury commune,' highlighting their eco-friendly approach in Studio Richter Mahr, which has become a vibrant hub for artists and creative’s, thriving on collaboration and sustainability.
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