Love Is Blind's Hannah on the 'Lesson' She Learned Watching Katie and Nick Talk

It felt like you knew how to adjust your delivery when talking to his mom, for example. What you're not seeing is that I said it 20 times prior very nicely. You're seeing me say it the 20th time pretty harshly.
Some of the things I said I never should have said. I should have been a lot kinder. But I was very, very frustrated, and you're seeing that frustrated self.
Has watching your interactions with Nick made you reexamine the way you act in other personal relationships? I know people are like, Oh, your family hates you. But I have an absolutely wonderful relationship with my family.
Yes, I can be bitchy. I can be blunt. It's inherently who I am; I've always been like that. I know I can be a lot.
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