Justice for Alex Forrest | Features | Roger Ebert

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I've said these words a few times to men I have liked more than they liked me. It isn't so much to give them an out as it is a final burst of hope. Maybe he will suddenly realize he has feelings for me and he will stay, if I give him another chance to think about it. It's magical thinking, and Close's Alex knows it, which is why she doesn't look into Dan's eyes."
"When 'Fatal Attraction' came out, Alex Forrest terrified men. In an essay called 'Fatal and Fetal Visions: The Backlash in the Movies,' Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Susan Faludi recorded a few things she witnessed men saying during screenings of the film in the late '80s. 'Punch the bitch's face in,' said one man. 'Punch the bitch's lights out! I'm not kidding,' said another."
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