I told the doctor if they wouldn't give me a hysterectomy, then I needed a referral to someone who would. I swore I'd bang down the door of every OB-GYN in the city if I had to until someone said yes. This fierce determination stemmed from my fear of dying and the realization that I had already stopped living due to my condition. It was a pivotal moment in advocating for my own health.
When I woke up from surgery, the difference was obvious. Instead of searing pain in my hips and pelvis, the only pain I felt was in my incisions, and that barely lasted more than a week. I kept waiting for the pain to return to my pelvis, for the crippling fatigue to grip me again, for the bleeding to restart. It never did, and I can't begin to describe how freeing that is.
If you're a doctor reading this, especially one in the gynecological field, I beg you not to dismiss your patients. My story is one of so many, and still we don't talk enough about the struggle that women and people with female reproductive organs go through when seeking medical care. We're told it's all in our heads.