I had a coworker who was a freegan and would bring food from the dumpster to work for potlucks. If that's your thing, whatever, but don't do that to coworkers. Her supervisor finally told her to stop.
A few years ago, at an office party, we were all responsible for bringing something. One woman volunteered to bring pickles and olives. She had a huge jar of awful pickles, and I had to run around telling everyone not to eat them.
A friend brought German-style potato salad to a potluck. There were two containers, one with meat and one without. When I asked which one didn't have meat, she just stuck her fingers in one to grab some for a taste test.
A friend who was an excellent cook had a Friendsgiving. A girl who was terrible to her insisted she made the best stuffing. She showed up with two store-bought French bread loaves, dumped a box of chicken broth on them, and then popped them in the oven.