'Quitting Was Something I Had Contemplated Doing For A Long Time'

I'm different from some other folks who would consider themselves alcoholics or decided to stop drinking, in that I didn't drink every day. I would sometimes have one, and I would sometimes have 10. My issue was more just overindulging at times, versus daily consumption. But nonetheless, I still considered that to be a problem, and quitting was something I had contemplated doing for a long time. I was that guy who was wearing the lampshade.
When I did finally stop, it was more intended to be a break, like an all-out abstinence. And then I realized how great I felt and I said, 'Well, maybe I'll go a little bit longer and then a little bit longer.' And then somewhere around the two- to three-month mark is when I just said: 'You know what? I actually don't miss it all that much.'
Read at HuffPost