I lost half my weight in 3 years. I have body dysmorphia from all the loose skin I have.

"Being overweight is hard; losing weight is hard. Choose your hard." This inspiring mantra underscores Betsy Smith's journey, empowering her to take control of her health.
"It's been the toughest battle of my life. But I know that it is literally saving my life." Betsy reflects on the enormity of her weight loss journey and its life-saving impacts.
"I always eat my feelings. Whenever I felt emotional - if something was wrong and I was unable to deal with it - I'd reach for something to eat." Here, she reveals her emotional relationship with food.
"I was a yo-yo dieter. Carbohydrates were not good for me, but I hated being singled out as the one who wasn't supposed to take as much as the others." This illustrates her struggles with dieting and body image.
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