"Whether it's a young person who brushes off a fall or someone older who thinks it's just a part of aging, it's important to understand that falls can lead to complications like infections or long-term disability," said Whittington, who runs the Dr. Joe MD TikTok account. "Prevention is key. Keeping up with regular physical activity, making environmental adjustments and knowing what to do after a fall can significantly reduce risks."
"This step is crucial to avoid worsening a potential fracture, dislocation, or internal injury by moving too quickly," said Wagner, also known as 'Doctor ER' on YouTube. "If you notice any sharp pain or have difficulty moving, stay there and call for emergency help if a phone is nearby."
Falls are the leading cause of injury and injury death for people over the age of 65 and were responsible for nearly 3 million emergency room visits for older adults in 2021, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control.
Sudden movements can worsen hidden injuries like sprains or fractures, and other serious fall-related injuries like internal bleeding or concussions may not be apparent right off the bat.