Meta Platforms has recently decided to cancel the development of a premium mixed-reality headset, code-named La Jolla, intended to rival Apple's Vision Pro. After a product review meeting at the Reality Labs division, employees were instructed to cease all work on the device, which was projected for a 2027 release. The decision highlights the growing challenges in the competitive mixed-reality market and underlines Meta's ongoing struggles amidst significant financial losses in this sector.
Despite the cancellation of the La Jolla headset, CEO Mark Zuckerberg retains a positive outlook on the future of augmented and virtual reality. The Reality Labs division, while facing substantial financial setbacks, continues to explore advancements in related technologies. Meta's existing products, such as the Quest 2 and Quest 3, indicate a commitment to remaining active in the VR market, even as the company reevaluates its high-end product offerings.