Kate Andersen Brower's encounter with Michelle Obama during a 2011 luncheon sparked her idea for 'The Residence,' a book exploring the lives of White House service staff. Through extensive interviews, including insights from a former executive housekeeper and a notable pastry chef, Brower captured intimate stories and the complex dynamics of those working behind the scenes. Initially optioned for a film project that fell through, her work was later taken up by Shondaland, resulting in a Netflix series that fictionalizes a murder mystery while remaining true to the reality of East Wing operations.
Brower's observations during a White House luncheon with Michelle Obama inspired her to write 'The Residence,' which dives deep into the lives of service staff at the White House.
Through interviews with former staff members, Brower reveals the intimate and often unseen dynamics of the White House's service community, highlighting their pivotal roles.