The article discusses the prevalence of reckless driving as depicted in American car commercials, video games, and action films, while questioning its impact on real-life driving behaviors. It highlights the new documentary, ‘Power Trip,’ by Myron Levin, which explores this issue through interviews with experts, advocates, and survivors of traffic incidents. The film aims to shed light on the relationship between media portrayals of recklessness and the growing crisis of roadway deaths, stressing the need for critical awareness and change to mitigate this culture's harmful effects.
"Reckless driving behavior is rampant not just on the roads but also within mainstream media, affecting societal norms and motorists' actions in real life."
"Power Trip’ investigates the impact of media portrayals of reckless driving and how it contributes to real-world roadway fatalities, urging for a rethink on how dangers are depicted on screen."