How VR and digital twins are streamlining remote work in technical professions

"Those are two phrases you never want to speak, especially when you're about 200,000 miles from the nearest mechanic. It was April 13, 1970, and an explosion had just taken place aboard Apollo 13. The spacecraft lost power and oxygen, and the machine that scrubbed the carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air was broken."
"Using those advantages, NASA scientists devised a design for a CO2 scrubber that the astronauts could build from cardboard and scraps found in the spacecraft. You know how the story ends - the astronauts made it home alive."
"Clearly, remote work and digital twins date back to the mid-20th century. This technology has come a long way since the early days of the pandemic, let alone the first era of the space age."
"Today, LinkedIn reports that 24% of jobs (at least as it pertains to those added to LinkedIn profiles) are remote. As this trend continues, the marriage of digital twins and technology could drive a new era in how people work together - even if the people communicating are far apart."
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