Your CTA is the second most important element right after your headline. Just like coming up with a winning headline is an art, the same holds true for your CTAs. If you can just spend the same time writing your CTA as your headline, you'll see an improvement in conversions depending on the traffic you're already receiving.
If you could just walk away with one lesson, then it's that your CTA deserves attention just as your headline. Think about it, without your CTA, there are no clicks and, therefore no purchase. Therefore no revenue.
Here's the kicker; you need more than just simple words like "Get Started" or "Sign Up." In this guide, you'll learn how to transform your CTA from a bland afterthought to an actual conversion-boosting element.
You pay more attention to something that stands out in any environment. That includes a website page. This is why your CTA needs to draw attention to itse