Trump's lawsuits against the press are about power, not winning - Poynter

President Donald Trump's legal tactics against the press focus on intimidation rather than legitimate legal victories. His persistent lawsuits aim to exhaust and coerce media outlets into settlements. Media expert Paul Farhi emphasized that although specific disputes may seem trivial, they pose a significant threat by undermining respected institutions like The Associated Press. This behavior exploits financial vulnerabilities within the media, particularly affecting smaller newsrooms and independent journalists. The chilling effect of these tactics may deter critical reporting and could lead to dangerous precedents through settlements.
Trump's constant, often legally flimsy, lawsuits against news organizations seem designed to exert pressure rather than prevail in court.
Going after a neutral, influential institution like the AP sets a dangerous precedent.
There's a real cost to defending yourself against frivolous lawsuits, and Trump knows that.
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