During a whale-watching trip off the coast of Monterey Bay, boat captain Evan Brodsky and his team extended their outing, which led to spotting an extraordinary number of dolphins. Initially seeing only a few, they followed the school and were astounded when the count swelled to thousands. This event was particularly significant as it was the first occasion for Brodsky to witness such a large gathering of northern right whale dolphins and Pacific white-sided dolphins, underscoring the nutrient-rich waters of the region and the social behavior of dolphins.
Mr. Brodsky, a boat captain and videographer with the tour company Monterey Bay Whale Watch, said he had an itch that there was something they could not yet see and decided to stay out on the water.
In previous outings, Mr. Brodsky had seen pods of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dolphins, but this was the first time that he had seen a gathering of so many northern right whale dolphins, mixed in with Pacific white-sided dolphins.