We need a Conservative revolution, says Tugendhat

Tom Tugendhat emphasized the Conservative Party's lost trust, stating, "we fundamentally lost that ability to have that confidence of the British people, and I'm standing because we need to return our party to the service of the British people." He calls for a Conservative revolution that emphasizes a higher wage and lower migration.
Tugendhat pointed to the electoral defeat, highlighting his stance, "failed policies on migration and tax rises." He believes that the party must act on its promises and has a "track record of delivery."
He stated the need for revitalization in the economy, saying, "I wanted to see the blood of the economy flowing again, so you get that intergenerational fairness - the link between energy of the young and the assets of the old, so you get geography and generations connected."
Regarding immigration policies, Tugendhat remarked, "We shouldn't be pretending that you can fix migration by withdrawing from a single treaty or changing a single bill." He highlighted a desire for reforms to the European Convention on Human Rights.
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