No! No! It's Not!' CNN Anchor And Dem Analyst Hammer Ex-Trump Official Excusing Lies' As Highlighting Problems'

KAREN FINNEY: is endangering the lives of children and families! Shame on him and shame on JD Vance, because here's the truth. Nobody dumped people on Springfield, Ohio. Businesses in Ohio had job shortages. They were recruiting Haitian migrants who are here in this country legally to come to help fill what are menial labor jobs that people who lived there didn't want to do.
KATE BOLDUAN: Karen. Karen, you definitely respond. But. Are you happy then, in a political sense, even though it is probably dangerous for the community potentially, that that Donald Trump continues to lean on this?
...this actually has nothing to do with a conversation about immigration reform. This is a political tactic. We've seen it cycle after cycle leading up to an election where you demonize, dehumanize and lie about migrants.
The lie that immigrants from Haiti have been abducting and eating household pets... has been blamed for a rash of threats against schools, hospitals, and other institutions in and around Springfield, Ohio.
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