Following an NBC appearance, former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi argued that Trump supporters should reassess their national identity. He pointed out the contradiction in Trump's allies, who once denounced him, now supporting him due to their dependence on his influence. Figliuzzi used a metaphor about playing with grenades to discuss potential repercussions of Trump's actions, implying they could harm both Trump and society. He also drew historical parallels, suggesting Trump's controversial statements echo sentiments of notorious figures like Anders Breivik to emphasize their dangerous implications.
We're watching Exhibit A for an unmitigated desire for power, and influence, and relevancy. That's who surrounds Donald Trump right now - people who literally can't get another job without kissing his rear end.
I'll tell you what happens when you play with a live grenade and toss it on the floor. Eventually it explodes, and the only question for us is whether it's going to explode back on Trump or explode and hurt the rest of us.
It's been attributed by some historians who aren't certain to Napoleon, but I'll tell you where it's definitely been used far more recently. And that's with a white supremacist, far-right extremist named Anders Breivik.