CNNs Chris Wallace Calls Out Dennis Quaid For Trump Support

WALLACE: You have a new movie out called Reagan that focuses on his effort to win the Cold War. You've come out for Donald Trump in this election. And I'm a little curious about that because a lot of people say that there would be no room for Ronald Reagan in Donald Trump's Republican Party.
QUAID: Well, I really don't agree with that in a sense. Yes, Ronald Reagan was a man of his times. And Trump is also, he's a man of his times. But I do feel that the principles of Ronald Reagan and the principles of Donald J. Trump are very similar.
WALLACE: Well, let me pick up on that though because Reagan confronted the Russians. He talked, and you in the movie talk, about an evil empire. Trump doesn't do that. Reagan supported free trade. Trump imposes tariffs. And Reagan's 11th commandment was thou shall not speak ill of another Republican. I gotta say, I think Reagan would have been appalled by Trump's behavior.
QUAID: Well, I do think you see a Trump 2.0 here as far as the Republican party and him getting along that this time around. Ronald Reagan was America first I would contend.
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