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2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

It Would Be Suicidal!' CNN's Chris Wallace Says Trump Can't Turn Biden Debate Into Another Car Accident'

Former President Donald Trump needs to change his behavior in debates to avoid negative repercussions. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Even Chris Wallace Is Blown Away by Trump Comparing Himself to Alexei Navalny: Quite Extraordinary'

Former President Trump equated legal issues with Navalny's death.
Chris Wallace criticized Trump's comparison and handling of Navalny's death. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Chris Wallace Surprised Biden Went So Harshly Negative' Against Trump This Early With Insurrection Speech/Nazi Comparisons

President Biden is escalating his attacks on Donald Trump early in his campaign for re-election, including harshly negative language and references to Nazis.
CNN anchor Chris Wallace expressed surprise at Biden's aggressive approach, particularly his use of the phrase 'Full Hitler' to describe Trump. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Chris Wallace Hails Lack of Crowd in Upcoming Trump-Biden Debates: The Audience Was a Pain in the Neck'

Chris Wallace supports debates without an audience for a more focused and balanced interaction between candidates. [ more ]
2 months ago

Book Deals: Week of March 18, 2024

Chris Wallace's book offers insights into the 1960 presidential election
Stephanie Kelton's upcoming book challenges economic misconceptions
Caroline Bicks's book delves into Stephen King's iconic works and her own fears [ more ]
3 months ago

Did You Drive Your Big Wheel Up To The Apple Store?' Kara Swisher Lampoons Chris Wallace For Hanging On To His iPhone 6

Swisher mocked Chris Wallace for his old iPhone 6, highlighting how some still use older models.
Apple's designer Bart Andre retirement highlighted the team behind Apple's products. Wallace proudly revealed his new iPhone 15, trading in his iPhone 6. [ more ]
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