The article critiques the GCSE system, arguing it hinders young people's advancement by prioritizing exam performance over genuine learning. Professor Becky Francis's interim report highlights schools' obsession with testing, contributing to rising mental health issues among students. With one in five pupils reporting mental illness and increased truancy rates, the report calls for an overhaul in England's education policy, especially regarding the focus on English and math. The author posits that modern education should prioritize skills for the future, such as technology, rather than outdated subjects that don't reflect current job market needs.
"Just say it. Spit it out. Abolish GCSE. It has nothing to do with young people or their advancement. It has everything to do with quantifying, measuring, controlling and governing their preparation for life."
"Last year, Prof Becky Francis recognized the challenge, but then took fright. Francis took up the charge that England's schools are obsessed with exams, prioritizing academic subjects that overly stress children."