Watch as officer tackles brazen shoplifter trying to get away on e-scooter

Gavin Fonti, 44, was caught in a police sting operation after stealing meat from a Co-op in New Barnet and attempting to flee on an electric scooter. He was apprehended by a plain-clothes officer who tackled him to the ground. Fonti, who had a history of thefts in the area, was charged with multiple counts and sentenced to 20 weeks in prison. This incident was part of a broader police operation, resulting in numerous arrests and highlighting the impact of shoplifting on businesses and communities.
We know shoplifting has a significant impact on businesses and shop staff, as well as members of the public. It often fuels other crime and anti-social behaviour.
This is an excellent example of neighbourhood policing at its best, and thanks to the awareness and quick-thinking of our officers, we've been able to remove more prolific shoplifters from our streets.
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