According to Conger, Elon and his former-partner and musician Grimes had agreed on a name for their daughter. But Musk ended up having twins with another woman, Shivon Zillis, who is a top executive at Neuralink - a company that he owns. Nothing fishy there.
The girl was given the name Valkyrie - which, as it turns out, was the name that Grimes and Elon had been discussing for their daughter, Mac said. Those mysterious and sad song lyrics that Grimes posted on Twitter two years ago? They were "written about the name essentially being stolen from her," according to Conger.
But Shivon's twins, a boy and a girl, ended up being born first. Whether this was at Musk's insistence or not is unclear, but Shivon ended up changing the girl's name anyway, Conger said, which is how we know about any of this, after the name-change paperwork became public.
Now, Shivon's daughter is named Azure, and Grimes' is named Exa - "so the name Valkyrie is effectively lost to Grimes and her child," highlighting the dynamics of Musk's relationships.