In late 2024, Netflix experienced record subscription growth, adding nearly 19 million new users, surpassing 300 million total subscribers. Major events like the Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson boxing match and an NFL double-header featuring a Beyoncé halftime show contributed notably to this success. Market research indicates that these key events drove substantial subscriber sign-ups, with the Paul-Tyson fight alone bringing in over 1.4 million new members. Netflix's focus on high-profile, can't-miss events rather than broad regular-season sports packages distinguishes its approach from traditional networks like ESPN.
Netflix's unique sports programming strategy focuses on special events rather than regular-season packages, notably boosting subscriber numbers with events like the Paul-Tyson fight.
Market research firm Antenna estimated that Netflix drove more than 650,000 new subscribers in the days surrounding the NFL games, showcasing its powerful sports programming appeal.