When I tell people that my 12-year-old son, Michael, is autistic, there are usually two types of responses. First, there's the 'sad eyes' - you know, the look people give you like you've just announced a national tragedy. And then there's the inevitable question: 'Does he have superpowers? Ah, yes. Superpowers.' This misconception stems from media portrayals of autism, such as in 'Rain Man', leading to skewed expectations and stereotypes.
But I'll admit it: I love the term 'superpowers' when it comes to being neurodivergent. Not because it's true in the superhero sense but because it subtly hints at the way Michael's mind works - it's unique, complex and amazing, just not in a go-to-Vegas-and-win-big way. In fact, talking about autism shouldn't make anyone uncomfortable. Being autistic means things work a little differently.
In general, I wish people would stop treating the word autism like it's a curse word. It's not a disease, and it's certainly not something to feel ashamed of or embarrassed about. In fact, there are many ways in which autistic kids like Michael can be easier to manage compared to their neurotypical siblings.
When Michael comes home from school, he hangs up his jacket, puts his shoes away, plugs in his Chromebook, finishes his homework and then grabs a snack. It's like living with the world's most efficient roommate.