Goldman Sachs' CEO was rejected twice by the firm

We recruit from a very broad selection of schools and universities all over the world; that's one of the things that we've really tried to expand. We look for a great work ethic, and majoring in a STEM-kind of subject. We have over 10,000 engineers at the firm, so we hire a lot of engineers.
On the whole, the bank looks for smart, hardworking grads who believe in excellence, want to win, and have proven that they've got grit and determination and an ability to both succeed, but also when they fail to pick themselves up and dust themselves off and keep going.
Goldman Sachs was one of 40 or 50 firms that I sent a letter to asking for an interview. It was one of the 45 that came back and said, no, thank you.
Even the chief executive himself was rejected by the bank-twice-before finally making it past the velvet rope 1999, he revealed.
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