68 Screenshots From This Page Dedicated To Calling Out The Cringiest Posts On LinkedIn

"Back in 2018, I was an Account Executive for a SaaS company in San Francisco," JR previously shared. "I had a boss who was a dinosaur-his idea of a good follow-up to a meeting was mailing laminated copies of the deck we presented to the prospect after the fact. The phrase, 'Stop by Kinko's' was uttered a few times in my short tenure there (Kinko's was dropped by FedEx in 2008, ten years prior)."
"I was already dissatisfied with my role, my career, and the company, so spending a few hours a day on LinkedIn just about pushed me over the edge," he noted.
As far as what JR thinks of the culture on LinkedIn, he previously told Bored Panda that he wouldn't necessarily call it "toxic," but "downright demented" might be more accurate.
Read at Bored Panda