Elaine Silverberg, a 73-year-old widow from New Jersey, faced a protracted 13-year fight against JPMorgan over her husband's $53,000 pension, which was denied due to a clerical error. In an inspiring turn of events, two insurance executives from North Carolina, Roy Messer and Bill Rice, learned of her plight and decided to help by sending her the full sum. Their generous act, motivated by empathy and outrage at the bank's handling of the situation, not only provided financial relief but also restored Silverberg's faith in humanity.
"I couldn't believe for such an amount of money that they wouldn't want to do the right thing. There is no doubt that her husband would have wanted that money to go to her and his kids," Rice said.
"In this crazy world we live in, it is remarkable that such kindness also exists. I am flabbergasted at their extreme generosity," she told The Post.