Several incidents of crime were reported in Saratoga, including residential and vehicle burglaries, theft, fraud, and drug-related arrests. A safe containing checkbooks and passports was stolen from a home on Somerville Court. Vehicle break-ins occurred on both Pepper Lane and Versailles Way, with no items stolen in some instances. An individual was arrested for being under the influence of drugs. Additionally, a resident faced check fraud after advertising a classic car online, while another theft involved three credit cards being stolen at an ATM.
At 8:16 p.m., two suspects entered a residence in the 19000 block of Somerville Court by breaking a rear sliding glass door and stole a safe.
The suspect was arrested and booked into main jail after deputies discovered he was under the influence of a controlled substance.
At 12:25 p.m., someone approached the victim after the victim used an ATM and stole three credit cards from the victim's wallet.
A Saratoga resident reported that someone mailed them a fraudulent check after the victim posted a classic car for sale online.