Video: Trolley Buses are Great Nuts-and-Bolts Transit - Streetsblog San Francisco

Alan Fisher emphasizes that contrary to chasing shiny new technologies, cities like San Francisco have a robust solution with trolley buses, which are practical and effective. Unlike most new transit ideas, trolley buses have proven scalability and adaptability, especially when enhanced with battery technology that allows them to operate off-wire during detours or events. Instead of focusing on futuristic concepts, urban planners should recognize and optimize existing systems that work well in real-world scenarios.
Fisher critiques the allure of flashy transportation solutions like hyperloops and hydrogen trains, stating they often distract from tangible problems that can be addressed with proven technologies like trolley buses. He advocates for a return to practical transit solutions that can scale according to the needs of the city rather than pursuing speculative and untested innovations that consume resources and attention without delivering reliable outcomes.
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