"The requirement only for shelter, rather than housing, is inappropriate for this population. For every person in an RV offered a shelter bed, someone on the street loses out on that bed," said Eleana Binder, who filed the appeal on behalf of the End Poverty Tows Coalition.
"Instead, he said the city should invest in safe parking sites and ramp up community engagement to connect more people with housing opportunities. Though, previous attempts by the city to create safe parking sites have not gone smoothly."
"This is not going to mean the mass displacement of RVs, but these are some tools to be sparingly used as necessary when nothing else is working," said Supervisor Joel Engardio.
"Of the roughly 4,300 people who are unsheltered on San Francisco's streets, about a third of them live in their vehicles, according to the city's 2024 point-in-time count. But for unsheltered families, that rate jumps to 90%."