The $300 million-project includes adding three lanes in each direction on Woodside Road, turn pockets, more turn lanes at strategic points, new bike/pedestrian paths, and improved transit shuttle access, aimed at enhancing traffic flow, safety, and pedestrian infrastructure.
The infrastructure improvements at the Highway 101/Highway 84 interchange aim to address current traffic challenges, improve freight mobility and rail movement, enhance roadway safety, and reduce congestion on surrounding surface streets.
The project area at the Port of Redwood City is designated by FEMA to withstand up to an 8.8 magnitude earthquake, emphasizing the importance of top-notch infrastructure readiness for ensuring safety and resilience in the event of a seismic event.
The investment in the Port of Redwood City not only bolsters Silicon Valley's economic strength but also positions the port as a crucial Federal Staging Area, ready for emergency response and recovery during significant regional disasters like earthquakes.
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