He Ran A Marathon. It Almost Ruined Our Marriage.

If there is a more socially endorsed, unimpeachably virtuous project than spending months traversing hundreds of miles to ready oneself for a single, unbroken slog of 26.2 miles, I can't think what it would be. That's the societal expectation – to be proud of such dedication. However, those who support marathon runners, the so-called 'marathon widows,' often have their own unacknowledged struggles, feeling left behind and wearied by the process.
Marathon running is a bucket-list activity that brings pride and a sense of achievement, not just for the runners but also for society at large. Yet, as partners of marathon runners endure the months of training, their invisible burdens often go unnoticed. This dynamic is a common yet unspoken aspect of the marathon culture, highlighting the hidden discomfort those closest to the runners may experience.
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