Working from home can be dangerous to your health and stifle innovation: study

"Innovation often occurs through random, spontaneous 'watercooler' interactions between employees," lead researcher Dr. Christoph Siemroth wrote. "Such 'productive accidents' are less likely to occur when all employees work from home... We find that innovation suffers during remote work."
But I think I speak for a majority of working people when I say, phooey! Innovation is a problem for wealthy business owners, not their employees. Until now, I would have fought tooth and nail to dodge any return to my florescent, particle-board prison.
At first, I made a half-hearted attempt to set up a home office - but it went unused. Call me a snob, but nothing looks more out of place in the well-furnished residence than an ergonomic Aeron chair. indulgent work habits caught up with me. For weeks, I had been experiencing a sharp pins-and-needles sensation emanating from my right shoulder and traveling down to my fingertips.
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