Will the U.S. Even Have an Election Result in 2024?

Already, the Trump-as-dictator, even Trump-is-Hitler, memeing is fast and furious. If it keeps up, by this time next year, the feeling among many/most/all Democrats will be that letting the Bad Orange Man return to the White House under any circumstances is akin to putting an American Führer in power. No Democrat sitting in the West Wing wants to risk being remembered as a dupe, as an American Hindenberg.
For their part, Republicans are scarcely less apocalyptic. Beyond the usual accusations of vote fraud-stoutly denied by Democrats, but look here-conservatives increasingly agree that progressive dark-money forces tilted the 2020 elections. The thinking goes that the left had a Soros-ian "color revolution" in reserve four years ago, and stands ready again to pull the trigger, if need be, this year.
Read at The American Conservative