Why Middle Class Americans Are Praying for a Trump Return

It is very strange to see yourself addressed in third person in major publications after giving an RNC speech and after opening a campaign rally for vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance, but it has been a blessed few months.
I watched my neighborhood decline in real time. Proposition 47 was passed in 2014, making drug possession punishable only as a misdemeanor with no jail time. Crime, drugs, and prostitution in downtown LA skyrocketed.
My now ex-husband, one of the many people affected by this growing epidemic, fell into drug addiction. We tried everything to help him defeat this stronghold, but it was a demon that held a tight grip as the city's lax policies on drugs only made it more difficult to deter his use.
Transitioning from a two parent household to a single parent home has been challenging, exhausting, and is an increasing issue in America.
Read at The American Conservative