In Bali, a group of Americans and Australians gathered for a five-day retreat focused on the Financial Independence, Retire Early movement. Attendees, primarily from tech and finance sectors, participated in emotional group sharing sessions, reflecting on their paths to financial freedom. Amidst tropical surroundings, connections deepened as individual stories emerged, revealing personal struggles and triumphs. The retreat offered a space to explore the human side of pursuing financial goals and the emotional weight behind decisions on early retirement and independence.
"This retreat came, like any financial product, with caveats and nondisclosures. During small-group sessions, we were instructed not to interrupt or ask follow-up questions."
"The organizer, a retired teacher from Texas who moved to Bali, talked about mending her relationship with an estranged parent. Next up, her friend - a prominent financial independence influencer - described a painful interaction with his tween daughter."