Our in-laws passed away and we are being expected to pay for the funeral even though the estate could pay for it

The article discusses the complexities and emotional challenges spouses face when dealing with in-law demands during periods of mourning. It highlights how unresolved resentments can resurface during family funerals, especially when financial obligations are involved. A specific case is presented where a woman feels undue pressure from her husband's siblings to contribute significantly to funeral expenses, despite the deceased's estate being able to cover the costs. The piece emphasizes the importance of timing and setting clear boundaries when addressing in-law expectations to safeguard the marital relationship.
"When emotions of grief are high, mere logistical discussions, particularly with in-laws, can exacerbate resentment and lead to damaging outcomes for a marriage."
"It's critical for spouses to choose the appropriate time and place for discussions about setting boundaries with in-laws, especially during stressful family events like funerals."
Read at 24/7 Wall St.