"One thing to remember is that every young generation goes through this kind of criticism. Millennials were called lazy and entitled. Gen Z is getting branded as lacking work ethic and accountability. Gen Z is coming into professional work in a different climate than other generations. They have access to more information than ever before and they have been told that companies don't care about them. If you've watched your parents or siblings get laid off and organizations prioritize profits over people, your work ethic wouldn't be great either." - Julia Toothacre, chief career strategist at Resume Template
"The barrage of criticism toward Generation Z workers may have reached a tipping point and could be leading hiring managers toward making costly misjudgments on future employees. A recent survey by Resume Templates found 1 in 4 hiring managers consider young Gen Zers unemployable."
"The survey found 24% of hiring managers believe young Gen Zers - the survey defined this group as between 18 and 23 years old - are 'unemployable' because of a lack of necessary workplace skills. That lack of skills included a lack of work ethic (88%), a lack of accountability (81%) and poor work quality (61%)."
"Businesses that fail to connect with Gen Z could find themselves facing even steeper hiring challenges than experts expect in the coming years."