When on a video call with a colleague whose clothes are clumped in a pile in the background, 'it detracts sometimes from the points that they're making that I just want to help them with their laundry,' said Anna Greenwald, chief operating officer at MoneyGram International.
Children are an exception: 'The person who loves you most should be allowed to come and visit you once in a while,' Greenwald said.
Ultimately, employees should treat even one-on-one meetings as though they were public appearances. 'If you're ever offered media training, take it, because even if you don't ever talk on a stage or to a reporter, it just gives you confidence about your ability to handle things,' she said.
'You have to be the captain of your own ship in your career, so you're in charge of your career development, but I think this new age that we're working in has made it more challenging,' Young said.
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