In a feedback conversation, managers often fear creating resentment, and employees dread potential job insecurity, turning constructive discussions into high-pressure experiences. Yet, employees are eager for constructive feedback, as 96% agree that it enhances performance when delivered appropriately.
Many leaders lack the skills to provide constructive feedback that motivates change, resulting in negative emotions for employees. Gallup's study shows that only 10% of employees with negative feedback feel engaged, with 80% seeking new jobs.
Leaders can lessen perceived threats during feedback conversations by following a brain-friendly, three-step approach, starting with the employee giving themselves feedback, which helps reduce anxiety for both parties.
Healthy organizational cultures encourage regular feedback requests. Research indicates that when leaders ask for feedback rather than simply giving it, the threat response for both parties is significantly reduced.
#feedback #employee-engagement #manager-employee-interaction #performance-improvement #workplace-culture