People Are Revealing The Most Repulsive Remarks They Received That Were Meant To Be "Helpful"

The article reflects on the insensitivity often experienced by women after a miscarriage, detailing how common responses can trivialize profound grief. The author shares personal anecdotes of hurtful remarks received after losing a daughter and contrasts them with the much-appreciated kindness shown by a colleague's wife, who expressed genuine sympathy without offering platitudes. This highlights the importance of empathy and the impact of thoughtful gestures in moments of grief.
'God needed another Angel,' 'Everything happens for a reason,' and my fave after I lost my first daughter at 20 weeks gestation, 'You're young, you can have another.' Ok, Karen, go pick one of your loved ones you never want to see again.
Bettie, I'm with you. I lost my daughter at 14 weeks. The responses were mind-boggling: 'At least you won't be tied to that asshole forever,' 'You can try again' and on and on.
One of the wives of a workmate got it right. She came into the office without prior warning I was weeks past a miscarriage, asked me how I was feeling, and got the news. She said she was terribly sorry, turned around and left.
About an hour later, I received a beautiful bouquet and a heartfelt note of sympathy, and I'll never forget it or her. No minimizing, she sympathized. Perfect.
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