Brave has taken legal action seeking a declaratory judgment to affirm the legality of its AI-generated summaries of content from News Corp, as the media giant threatens lawsuits over copyright infringement. The conflict arises from Brave's web scraping practices, which have drawn a cease-and-desist letter from News Corp requesting they cease and compensate for the use of their content. Brave characterizes the media company's response as anticompetitive bullying, while News Corp's CEO claims Brave's actions amount to a blatant copyright violation, rejecting claims of fair use.
Brave has filed a request for a declaratory judgment to preempt potential legal action from News Corp over its AI-generated summaries of articles.
The media giant News Corp has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Brave demanding the end of web scraping and compensation for copyright infringement.
Brave claims that News Corp's actions are part of an anticompetitive bullying campaign, while the CEO of News Corp argues Brave's practices violate copyright law.
Robert Thomson of News Corp calls Brave's practices 'piratical' and denies the existence of a safe harbor for their methods, asserting they constitute blatant abuse.