How did telemarketers get my number? I uncover the labyrinthine world of Australia's data brokers | Priya Dev for the Conversation

In today's digital age, personal data is a new kind of gold, and data brokers leverage this by sharing our information with telemarketers, leading to countless unsolicited calls.
Despite being registered on the Do Not Call Register, I averaged three unwanted calls a day last year, illustrating the inadequacy of current privacy protections against relentless data brokers.
The Australian government's new privacy reforms are a step forward but fail to adequately address the rampant issues of targeting by data brokers and telemarketers in 2023.
In 2023, Australians lost $2.7bn to scams, emphasizing the urgent need for stronger protections to control personal data sharing in the face of rising telemarketing aggressiveness.
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