Kendalle Getty's 'Mirror of Influence', presented during L.A. Frieze Week, showcases her evolution from rejecting her lineage to embracing it through provocative art. The exhibition features diverse works, including wax sculptures and etched mirrors, reflecting the complexity of her identity as the daughter of Gordon Getty. The artist intertwines personal and public narratives, encouraging viewers to engage with their internal conflicts. Time plays a crucial role, highlighted by the transformation of her wax sculptures, which dissolve as they are lit, representing unsettling yet cathartic change.
Reflecting on this interior/exterior dichotomy, she shares, "I hope the viewer will simultaneously identify with and against me—the 'other' becomes part of the self."
As the artist lights the sculpture's candle wicks, the flames slowly dissolve her image away. The spectacle is unsettling, like a scene from a body-horror movie.