Politicians make promises, but "when they get to power they don't do anything for us," Amado said in Spanish. "We feel relegated. We pay our taxes, we do everything, and we see there is no benefit for us and our families."
Amado works 11-hour days and has been struggling to remain fully booked and fully staffed - she can take up to nine kids, but currently has six. It's hard enough to find someone to cover her to go to a medical appointment, and if she can't, even harder to tell a parent she needs to cut a day short.
Amado, who immigrated to the United States more than 15 years ago from Peru, has worked with kids ages 0 to 3 for the past eight years at Green World Family Child Care, the day care she runs from her home in Hartford.
We are a large sector that doesn't participate," Amado said.